Marown Primary School

Fostering curiosity and challenge within a fair, safe and respectful community

Listed below is the current staffing for 2023/24

Executive Headteacher
Mrs A Jackson

Head of School
Miss N Davies

Class Teachers
Reception: Mrs H Ramsden
Year 1: Miss E Redfearn
Year 2: Miss I Halsall
Year 3: Mrs J Shirtliff
Year 4: Mrs D Rollins & Mrs R Harrison
Year 5: Mr G Nation
Year 6: Mrs E Crouch-Blacker

Support Staff
Mrs L Kermode
Mrs A Craig
Mrs N Spencer
Mrs N Quaye
Mrs S Wilman

Lunchtime Ancillaries
Mrs S Maxwell
Mrs N Egan
Mrs W Kearney
Mrs N Slater

Kitchen Staff
Mrs A Logan
Mrs C Roberts

Ms V Horne

Mrs J Kneale

Mr S Oliver

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